Source code for snakescale.formatters

from types import GeneratorType
from typing import List, Mapping, Union

__all__ = [

[docs]def clean_picard_style_value(value: Union[List[str], str]) -> Union[List[str], str]: """Clean a dictionary of Picard key-value pairs.""" if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, GeneratorType)): return list(map(clean_picard_style_value, value)) # type: ignore elif value is None: return 'null' elif value is True: return 'true' elif value is False: return 'false' else: return value
def format_bed_key(key: str) -> str: """Clean a bedtools parameter key.""" return '-' + key.replace('_', '')
[docs]def snakecase_to_kebab_case(key: str) -> str: """Convert snake_case to kebab-case.""" return f'--{key.lower().replace("_", "-")}'
[docs]def clean_picard_style_key(key: str) -> str: """Clean a Picard parameter key.""" return key.upper()
[docs]def format_bedtools_params(params: Mapping) -> str: """Clean a dictionary of bedtools key-value pairs.""" formatted_params = '' for key, value in params.items(): if key == 'extra': continue key = format_bed_key(key) if value is True: formatted_params += f' {key}' elif value is False: continue else: formatted_params += f' {key} {value}' return formatted_params
[docs]def format_bwa_params(params: Mapping) -> str: """Clean a dictionary of bwa key-value pairs.""" formatted_params = '' for key, value in params.items(): if key == 'extra': continue elif value is True: formatted_params += f' -{key}' elif value is False: continue else: formatted_params += f' -{key} {value}' return formatted_params
[docs]def format_dwgsim_params(params: Mapping) -> str: """Clean a dictionary of dwgsim key-value pairs.""" formatted_params = '' for key, value in params.items(): if key in ('extra', 'output_prefix'): continue key = '1' if key == 'r1' else key key = '2' if key == 'r2' else key if value is True: formatted_params += f' -{key}' elif value is False: continue else: formatted_params += f' -{key} {value}' return formatted_params
[docs]def format_fgbio_params(params: Mapping) -> str: """Clean a dictionary of fgbio key-value pairs.""" formatted_params = '' for key, value in params.items(): key = snakecase_to_kebab_case(key) value = clean_picard_style_value(value) if key == 'extra': continue elif isinstance(value, list): formatted_params += ''.join(f' --{key}={v}' for v in value) else: formatted_params += f' --{key}={value}' return formatted_params
[docs]def format_kraken_params(params: Mapping) -> str: """Clean a dictionary of kraken key-value pairs.""" formatted_params = '' for key, value in params.items(): key = snakecase_to_kebab_case(key) if key == 'extra': continue elif value is True: formatted_params += f' --{key}' elif value is False: continue else: formatted_params += f' --{key} {value}' return formatted_params
[docs]def format_picard_params(params: Mapping) -> str: """Clean a dictionary of picard key-value pairs.""" formatted_params = '' for key, value in params.items(): key = clean_picard_style_key(key) value = clean_picard_style_value(value) if key == 'extra': continue elif isinstance(value, list): formatted_params += ''.join(f' {key}={v}' for v in value) else: formatted_params += f' {key}={value}' return formatted_params