Source code for snakescale.utils

import io
import os
import sys
from typing import NamedTuple, Type

from snakemake import main as cli

__all__ = ['ExitCode', 'ProcessReturn', 'call_snakemake']

[docs]class ExitCode(int): """The code returned to a parent process by an executable. Examples: >>> from subprocess import call >>> exit_code = ExitCode(call('ls')) >>> exit_code.is_ok() True """ def __new__(cls, exit_code: int) -> Type['ExitCode']: """Make a new :class:`ExitCode`.""" cls._code = exit_code return super().__new__(cls, exit_code) # type: ignore
[docs] def is_ok(self) -> bool: """Is this code zero.""" return self._code == 0
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Represent this object.""" return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({self._code})'
[docs]class ProcessReturn(NamedTuple): """A collection of STDOUT, STDERR, and exit code from a terminated process.""" stdout: str stderr: str exit_code: ExitCode
[docs]def call_snakemake(arguments: str) -> ProcessReturn: """Call Snakemake in this thread as if we are using the CLI. Args: arguments: A string of arguments to pass to Snakemake. Examples: >>> process_return = call_snakemake('') >>> process_return.exit_code.is_ok() False >>> process_return.stderr.strip() 'Error: Snakefile "Snakefile" not present.' """ current_environ = dict(os.environ) current_stdout = sys.stdout current_stderr = sys.stderr exit_code = ExitCode(0) stdout = '' stderr = '' try: env = os.environ.copy() env['LC_CTYPE'] = u'en_US.UTF' os.environ.update(env) sys.stdout = io.StringIO() sys.stderr = io.StringIO() try: cli(arguments) except SystemExit as e: exit_code = ExitCode(e.code) stdout = sys.stdout.getvalue() stderr = sys.stderr.getvalue() finally: sys.stdout = current_stdout sys.stderr = current_stderr os.environ.clear() os.environ.update(current_environ) process_return = ProcessReturn(stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, exit_code=exit_code) return process_return